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Friday, March 20, 2009

Sports or the Economy...

Yesterday, when the coach of Duke said "the economy is something that [the president] should focus on, probably more than the brackets", he wasn't kidding. "Today, the President's picks placed him in the 27th percentile", amongst all players. But which is Obama and the new Administration playing?

Obama seems to be playing games with the economy, and our money. Obama expressed anger, as much as a multi-culturalist can without ostracizing anyone, over the AIG bonuses. What he failed to do, however, was express this anger when he found out about the bonuses. According to TIME Magazine, the "Treasury staff was informed about the new bonuses in a Feb. 28 memo that the March 15 [bonus-payment] date was upcoming." I find this appalling, not the fact that AIG gave bonuses after receiving taxpayer money instead of declaring bankruptcy, but that Obama expressed no concern until realizing the backlash the American public was doling.
What kind of transparency will Obama have for the American people if his senior staff doesn't have any with him? (This is of course assuming Geithner didn't tell Obama.) What we're dealing with here isn't a government of openness, Obama doesn't care about that. What Obama wants is to fleece the American public for as long as possible until finally we're so fed up with him we actually unite against him, in a democratic way. If Obama wanted transparency, he never would have signed H.R. 1 with legislator only having a few hours to read the bill. More allotted time would have exposed Dodd's ulterior motives - keeping those happy that pad his wallet.

This administration needs some house cleaning-there are too many crooks!

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