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Monday, March 23, 2009

More Blunders

I know it's only right that the President have a sense of humor, but to what extent?
My last post discussed the blunders of the new President and some of the groups he's insulting or showing an emotional distance. Well on last night's 60 Minutes the President seemed scarily aloof with what's happening to the economy.

My thought is that this isn't your local comedy club Mr. President: we're not at Second City.
Please show some interest in your job and your constituents. Making fun of the Irish being drunken idiots and the mentally disabled Special Olympians bowling better than you is horrible, now, if that wasn't bad enough, you're minimizing the suffering of millions who've lost their jobs or homes. Many of us were not lucky enough to have signed a half million dollar book deal just days before taking the reigns of a country you seem determined to run into the ground.
Get a grip on your jokes. Learn to speak candidly without a teleprompter. Your predecessor could!

1 comment:

  1. That's a mighty fine header you have there! Nice work. :)
