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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scandalous: The Gate Keeper to Obama

Rahm Emanuel certainly skirted any major repercussions to his involvement in the Blagojevich scandal. But will he be able to do the same from what he knew about the Mortgage Giants Freddie Mac?

In 2000 Emanuel was appointed to the Board of Freddie Mac after helping Bill Clinton escape from the turbulent Lewinsky and Whitewater scandals. While at Freddie, for 14 months, Rahm did little to earn his $320,000 except to show up to 6 board meetings where they were "told by executives of a plan to use accounting tricks to mislead shareholders about outsize profits."

The Obama Administration, once again is keeping true to a new openness and level of transperancy. Obama refused the Chicago Tribune access to board minutes during Emanuel's stint even though the Freedom of Information Act grants such access.

When will Obama make true his promises to the American people? When will we have integrity back in the White House and this Administration? We have swindlers, tax cheats and lobbyists, all whom Obama promised we wouldn't have. Maybe Obama Hoped we wouldn't have it. Maybe Obama's Change will come when he sees fit.

I don't want to wait! Lets send a message to this Administration that we wont accept these policies, vote for Tedisco in New York.

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