Senator's husband's firm cashes in on crisis     Obama calling on Cabinet to cut spending    

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Blunders

Thursday night on national television, Obama made the statement that his bad bowling was like the Special Olympics. What I want to know is when will Obama quit pretending that he is sympathetic to any groups sufferings? Last night he made fun of people with special needs.

Earlier this week, when he flubbed the introduction of Irish PM Cowen, Obama noted that the Irish better take caution, given the open bar, not to step in front of cameras without a lampshade...referring to the cliche that the Irish are nothing but drunken buffoons.
Earlier this month, the Obama administration enacted legislation that will stifle the economy, raise energy rates and enable irresponsible people to siphon your money to pay their mortgage...all this to the tune of about 2 Trillion dollars.
We're printing more money than we've ever printed. This will force the value of the dollar to all time lows. As a result, the main topic of the G-20 next month will be to remove the dollar as the worldly currency. Let's hope China doesn't call in their treasury notes because we're out of money.
In addition to the value of the dollar plummeting, GDP is shrinking and consumer prices are on the rise...what's this mean? Stagflation! This term no one wants to utter. With all this demand for our products and services will be shipped to foreign markets leaving us with less jobs, more debt, and a worthless currency to pay for it.
What can we do?
To start, we as Americans, need to contact our senators and representatives and tell them our dissatisfaction with the current administration and their new laws. We also need to become more active; join the National Tea Party Day, guaranteed there's one in your area. I'm sure there are more but the last I want to write about is education. The 2010 election is crucial to regain control of this country. Find out if your state has an election, then find out how your senator voted for the Recovery Act.

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