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Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Her Royal Highness..." Would You Like a Gift? It's Only for England!

Yesterday the Obama's made a fool of themselves and our country, yet again.

We'll start with the gifts...

Giving gifts is nice, but this is now the second one that is practically useless to a very prominent person in the United Kingdom. Two weeks ago, when Obama snubbed Brown by having an informal press conference, he also snubbed him by giving a set of DVDs that, aside from the U.K.'s Mail newspaper saying it was "a gift about as exciting as a pair of socks," was unplayable and almost unviewable by the nearly blind Prime Minister. The Prime Minister, on the other hand, gave the President glorious gifts, fit for a world leader of an historic nature-a pen holder made from the wood of an ancient anti-slave ship, the framed commission of the same ship and a first edition of the biography of Churchill-a book all free marketeers hope Obama reads.

While the gifts from Mr. Brown were fitting and to be treasured for life, the ones from Obama show the general lack of understanding and compassion the Obama's have with others.

Now this could all be swept under the rug if it weren't for the Obama's visit with Her Majesty, the Queen Elizabeth II. In such horrific distaste, Obama presented the Queen an iPod loaded with: songs thought to be to the Queen's liking, but perhaps not; photos of her recent trip to the U.S., certainly similar to the ones her staff and accompanist would have taken for her; and, of course, podcasts of the now Presidents speeches as Senator and his inaugural address. One may think, well ok, this isn't too bad of a gift, but would the Queen even know what a podcast is? Well certainly she does! How, you ask? Well the Queen know because she already has one!

OK, ok, so you say I'm being to hard on the ole chap. I have to say, no, I'm not. Obama and the First buffoon are making more simple etiquette mistakes that if they'd have listened during briefings, they'd have known better.

First off Michelle, how about wearing full sleeves to greet someone with class. What did you wear the first time meeting Barack's parents; cutoffs that were strategically placed half way down your ass? No, probably not. I'm sure you dressed very "conservatively" if we can use the words Obama and conservative in the same sentence. Next, on Air Force One, when your debriefers tell you 'British etiquette says "you may not shake the queen's hand, only touch it briefly,"' does this give you any indication that you may all out HUG the Queen? What has happened to etiquette? Has it washed down your less than royal, royal throne now that you've taken office and can seemingly do anything you want? All I know is that our "Special Relationship" partners think that you broke royal protocol and that, ma' am, is a disgrace.

What say you Mr. President?

This visit reminds me somewhat of the movie, Love Actually. The President of the U.S. goes to Great Britain and meets with the Prime Minister...sound familiar? Sure, it's happening now. In the movie the situation that resulted from the "Special Relationship" meeting was followed with the P.M. standing up for Britain. But in real life, Gordon misses an opportunity to help his failing reputation and that of his Labour Party. Obama, parading around like he does, sticks his nose in the air and without thought says “We owe so much to England; that when you come here there’s that sense of familiarity, as well as difference, that makes it just a special place” (emphasis added).

Unfortunately Obama's statement wasn't in jest as one would think given April Fools Day and his great foreign experience and being well traveled. What it does do though is announce to all of Britain and the world that this arrogant president fails to recognize Whales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Ouch, what a jab to the jaw of many Brits, including Brown-a supporter of Obama's agenda and a Scot.

Obama has several more days on this trip. Toward the end he may find more support amongst his Muslim brothers in Turkey. For now though, it is apparent that Obama not only has a waning desire to please and continue our "Special Relationship" but that he has no intention of including all of Great Britain.

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