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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama Mania and Racism

­­I love Facebook©, it's such a great utility and there are so many, quick ways to communic­ate with family, friends and, yes, even enemies.­

Last weekend, I posted a picture of the "Chia Obama" on my Facebook page and one would have thought WWIII broke out. I thought the idea was hilarious. Walking around DC anyone can see that everyone has jumped onto the Obama waggon bound for hell: there are teeshirts, keychains, stocking hats, bobble heads, an inflatable punching bag, novelty dollar bill, ­even the Obama Sock Monkey.

The place where I initially discovered the SockObama apparently wrote to the manufacturers asking them their intent; this was the reply:

Similarly, I imagine the manufacturer of the Chia Obama wanted nothing more than to capitalize on the surge in popularity of our current celebritized President.

This all brings me to a very interesting question.

Have we become so sensitive in this country that we are willing to sacrifice our rights of innovation to appease those that have a loud voice-or more cronies on K street? When will it end? Will we eventually have the President control the production of goods so as to avoid any infraction of someones personal feelings? Is this not Communism?

responded to Walgreens pulling the Chia Obama much the way I would or anyone else able to see humor in any Chia Pet. They didn't articulate an opinion and asked the views of the reader. Although no one has commented directly, the article says some "people are getting just a little too touchy when it comes to feelings about the nation’s firstAfrican-American president."

Evan Sayet has become one of my favorite speakers and he specifically addresses this issue. He recently spoke at the Heritage Foundation and the title of his discussion was
Hating What's Right: How the Modern Liberal Winds Up on the Wrong Side of Every Issue­. Sayet argues that the answer is simple and that Liberals are
"raised to believe that rational and moral thought are acts of bigotry and that as "multiculturalists" all cultures are equally right and equally valid, then, in the words of Dinesh D'Souza, the multiculturalist must DE FACTO become an apologist for tyranny. It only follows, then, that those to whom discriminating moral and intellectual thought is a hate crime, that they must explain ALL evil,failure and wrong and attack all that is good, right and successful.It's no surprise, then, that those who see the greatest enmity from the Neo-Liberal are the good, right and successful be they the Jews or Christian America."
Event the Washington Post, not an unbiased newspaper, featured an article with Jeff Johnson, a black radio and TV political commentator, who said stop seeing "Obama the personality" and see "Obama the president." "Otherwise all you're being is a political-celebrity groupie instead of a citizen...It starts with acknowledging he's my president, and not my homie."

­Once people do this they can get past the fear of being called a racist for saying his policies are horrible or for laughing about a Chia Pet made in his honor. Let's face it, Obama and his followers have elevated him to an untouchable status. Now that the average American has realized the honeymoon's over and can see what real policies he's using to destroy the country, we had better get ready for an onslaught of criticism - and being critical doesn't make one a racist.­­­

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