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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All Hail The New King In Town: Obama Flubs Foreign Policy

­­­When Obama decided to start smearing Sarah Palin for her inexperience in Foreign Policy, did it ever occur to him that maybe he'd better get it right?

Apparently not!

This video demonstrates the latest in blunders from President Obama (you can see the previous ones here and here). A bow, you may think is simple; the Japanese do it all the time. Isn't it just a cultural difference? No! This is crucially significant! Yes, the Japanese bow because of culture, but the Saudi's do not. The Saudi's only bow to the King signifying allegiance and inferiority. The U.S. abandoned this custom when the 13 colonies declared independence from The King in 1776.

According to the Associated Content News, the act of bowing, in the Middle East especially, "indicates submission" and acknowledges that the one "being bowed to is the master." If the act of bowing is fit for a King, the signators of the declaration would have viewed Obama's actions a disgrace. The signators claimed "the history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States." Read the Declaration here.

If you think I'm wrong, you should read the 1344 comments (at time of posting) on the Politico article indicating concern that the President of the free world is giving up U.S. sovereignty to many in the Muslim world. Indicating his support for Turkey's succession to the E.U., stating that "The United States has been enriched by Muslim[s]­," bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, and finally having "direct engagement" with Iran over its nuclear program, what is this man doing to our nation and the soverignty many, excluding him, have worked hard to achieve? Let us not endure 8 years of this insanity. Let us regain control of our nation by electing more great Americans to congress in 2010. We need to stop Obama before we no longer have our country.

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